Nob Hill Aoao - Mililani, HI

The Insurance Crisis in the News
The Insurance Crisis in the News
AOAO Nob Hill is NOT alone in this.
NIGHT Security guard 6PM-6AM: 808-647-4073
NIGHT Security guard 6PM-6AM: 808-647-4073
Security Dispatch Office (24/7): 808-593-1125
Security Dispatch Office (24/7): 808-593-1125
Please note the Nob Hill office is for Association personnel only and is not ‘open’ to residents. For any Association business, please write, e-mail or call. The office contact information is below.
Please note the Nob Hill office is for Association personnel only and is not ‘open’ to residents. For any Association business, please write, e-mail or call. The office contact information is below.

General Rules & POLICY
General Rules & POLICY
Bulky pick up - 3rd week of each month.
Office Information
Office Information
94-180 Anania Drive #354
Office Hours - 8:30 to 4:30 M-F (excluding Holidays)
NH Office: (808) 623-4755
Night Security 6pm - 6am: 808-647-4073
Security Dispatch Office 24/7: 808-593-1125
hawaiiana management team | nob hill board of directors
hawaiiana management team | nob hill board of directors